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Friday, November 23, 2007

2010 WCQ: The official pots

The November rankings are out -> link.

The only difference between the pots I posted yesterday is Azerbaijan switching pots with Liechtenstein. Of course, I'm pretty proud :) Take that BBC (ha!, they changed the text) and Mirror!

Pot 1: Italy, Spain, Germany, Czech Republic, France, Portugal, Netherlands, Croatia, Greece
Pot 2: England, Romania, Scotland, Turkey, Bulgaria, Russia, Poland, Sweden, Israel
Pot 3: Norway, Ukraine, Serbia, Denmark, Northern Ireland, Ireland, Finland, Switzerland, Belgium
Pot 4: Slovakia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Hungary, Moldova, Wales, Macedonia, Belarus, Lithuania, Cyprus
Pot 5: Georgia, Albania, Slovenia, Latvia, Iceland, Armenia, Austria, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan
Pot 6: Liechtenstein, Estonia, Malta, Luxembourg, Montenegro, Andorra, Faroe Islands, San Marino

About me:

Christian, husband, father x 3, programmer, Romanian. Started the blog in March 2007. Quit in April 2018. You can find me on LinkedIn.


  1. da, intr-adevar treaba buna... :) vad ca suedia era cat pe-aci sa piarda urna a doua.

    ceea ce este trist pentru noi, e ca un egal la sofia ajungea ... cu 1123 de puncte eram in fata greciei :(

    sa asteptam tragerea la sorti duminica la 17.00 :D poate avem noroc si nimerim cu grecia :D:D:D

  2. Felicitari, Eduard!
    Nici eu nu inteleg ce a fost cu Azerbaidjan! :) Mai refac calculele in cazul lor. Pana la urma ne-am apropiat destul de bine si la valori de cele de la FIFA.

  3. Acum stiu. Am trecut 247 in loc de 274 si nu le-am mai verificat
