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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

2010 WCQ CAF - Seeding criteria

Great find by jonny63. These are the seeding criteria for the second group stage of the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa and Angola 2010 African Cup of Nations qualifiers.

Criteria for designation of seeded teams for the combined preliminaries of the South Africa 2010 World Cup and Angola 2010 ACN has been approved.

The criteria are as follows:

The sum of the points accumulated in conformity of the following three criteria will be added in order to determine the five teams who will be in the first pot, those who will be in the second pot and so on.

Criteria No. 1

The number of points obtained during the group matches of the first round. Each team will play six matches in this round having the possibility of reaching a maximum total points of 18. Each team among the 20 who will qualify to the second round will keep the points that they obtained during the first round.

Criteria No. 2

The classification during the final tournament of the African Cup of Nations 2008 in Ghana will be taken into consideration.

At the end of the competition, the teams will be classified from 1 to 16. The Africa Champion will get 16 points, the runner-up 15 and the team coming at the third place 14 and finally the team coming at the last place will get only one point.

The countries who will qualify to the second round and which did not qualify to the finals of the African Cup of Nations 2008 will receive one point each under this criterion.

Criteria No. 3

The 20 teams having qualified to the second round will be classified from 1 to 20 in conformity to their last FIFA ranking before the date scheduled for the draw of the second round.

The team coming in the first place will get 20 points, the second 19 points and the team coming at the 20th place will get one point.

The points obtained by adding the points obtained in each one of the above mentioned criteria will be added.

The first five teams will be placed in the pot No. 1, the teams from 6 to 10 in the pot No. 2, the teams from 11 to 15 in the third pot and the teams from 16 to 20 in the fourth pot.

Each group in the second round will comprise one team from each one of the 4 pots.

See the article at

With Eritrea withdrawing from Group 11, there's a problem with the first criteria, as the teams qualifying out of this group will have at most 12 points.

About me:

Christian, husband, father x 3, programmer, Romanian. Started the blog in March 2007. Quit in April 2018. You can find me on LinkedIn.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Romania: Fara schimbari in sezonul viitor

Acum aproape doua saptamani, FRF a stabilit calendarul competitional pentru sezonul 2008/2009. Cum propunerea de restructurare nu a ajuns inca in Adunarea Generala, calendarul nu prevede nicio modificare a sistemului competitional.

Întrunit azi, 6 martie a.c., la Casa Fotbalului, Comitetul Executiv al Federaţiei Române de Fotbal a stabilit, în principiu, ca ediţia 2008-2009 a campionatului Ligii I să înceapă la data de 26 iulie a.c., turul urmând să se încheie, cu etapa a 17-a, în ziua de 29 noiembrie a.c. Returul ar urma să înceapă, cu etapa a 18-a, pe 28 februarie 2009, ultima rundă, a 34-a, urmând să se dispute la data de 13 iunie 2009.

Ediţia 2008-2009 a Ligii a II-a ar urma să înceapă în ziua de 16 august a.c., ultima etapă a turului, a 17-a, fiind programată la data de 29 noiembrie a.c. Returul va începe, cu etapa a 18-a, în ziua de 28 februarie a.c. şi se va încheia la data de 13 iunie 2009.

Liga a III-a va porni la drum la data de 15 august a.c., ultima etapă a turului, a 17-a, fiind programată în ziua de 28 noiembrie a.c. Returul va începe, cu etapa a 18-a, la data de 27 februarie 2009, etapa a 34-a fiind prevăzută pe 5 iunie 2009. Barajele de promovare în Liga a II-a ar urma să se desfăşoare în zilele de 10, 14 şi 17 iunie 2009.

"16-imile" Cupei României, ediţia 2008-2009, se vor juca la data de 15 octombrie a.c., finala fiind prevăzută pentru ziua de 17 iunie 2009.

Proiectul de calendar, amendat azi, va fi definitivat şi aprobat în cadrul proximei şedinţe a Comitetului Executiv al FRF.

Mai multe despre restructurarea esaloanelor inferioare ale fotbalului romanesc in interviul cu Ionut Lupescu -> Sport365.

About me:

Christian, husband, father x 3, programmer, Romanian. Started the blog in March 2007. Quit in April 2018. You can find me on LinkedIn.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Cumpararea locurilor va fi interzisa din mai 2008

Anuntata in octombrie 2007, interdictia va intra efectiv in vigoare dupa ce va fi votata in cadrul congresului FIFA din luna mai 2008.

Cititi tot articolul pe FIFA to tackle nine areas of concern.

Protecting the promotion and relegation system for clubs

  • Concept: Results on the pitch decide whether a club goes up or down a level in every championship around the world except in the United States and Australia, where there are "closed" leagues. Recently it has been possible to achieve promotion artificially by buying or moving a club. FIFA wishes to make sure that this cannot happen again.
  • Objective: To protect the traditional promotion and relegation system for clubs based purely on sporting criteria - which is the very essence of football.
  • Application: The decision was taken at the FIFA Executive Committee meeting on 15 December in Tokyo. The article will now be submitted to the Congress next May for approval and implementation as a "new article" within the rules governing the application of the Statutes.
  • Example: In Spain, the president of fourth division club Granada bought second-flight Murcia then moved the club near to Granada, allowing Granada 74 to move up artificially into the second tier.

About me:

Christian, husband, father x 3, programmer, Romanian. Started the blog in March 2007. Quit in April 2018. You can find me on LinkedIn.

2010 WC: Seeding formula (March 2008 update)

Seeded teams for the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa.

Qualified teams determined using the current standings and the FIFA rankings.

No new teams this month.

Rank - Country - Total - Performance - Ranking

1 Brazil 60.3 29.3 31.0
2 Germany 58.3 30.3 28.0
3 Italy 57.3 27.3 30.0
4 Spain 54.3 25.3 29.0
5 Argentina 53.0 21.0 32.0
6 France 49.3 23.3 26.0
7 England 48.0 26.3 21.7
8 Portugal 47.3 22.3 25.0
9 Netherlands 38.7 14.7 24.0
10 Mexico 36.7 19.3 17.3
11 Czech Republic 33.0 6.0 27.0
12 Croatia 30.7 9.0 21.7
13 Ghana 27.3 13.3 14.0
14 USA 26.0 13.7 12.3
15 Turkey 25.7 10.0 15.7
16 Paraguay 24.3 11.7 12.7
17 Japan 23.3 13.3 10.0
18 Greece 22.7 0.0 22.7
19 Korea Republic 20.7 15.7 5.0
20 Romania 20.0 0.0 20.0
21 Scotland 19.0 0.0 19.0
22 Australia 18.3 11.3 7.0
23 Cote d'Ivoire 18.3 6.0 12.3
24 Cameroon 18.0 3.0 15.0
25 Senegal 15.3 8.7 6.7
26 Colombia 14.7 0.0 14.7
27 Iran 12.7 5.3 7.3
28 Saudi Arabia 11.0 8.0 3.0
29 Egypt 9.7 0.0 9.7
30 Honduras 5.3 0.0 5.3
31 South Africa 4.0 3.0 1.0
32 Venezuela 2.0 0.0 2.0

Top 7 + South Africa seeded.

The pots:

Pot A: Argentina, Brazil, England, France, Germany, Italy, South Africa, Spain
Pot B: Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Scotland, Turkey
Pot C: Australia, Honduras, Iran, Japan, Korea Republic, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, USA
Pot D: Cameroon, Colombia, Cote d'Ivoire, Egypt, Ghana, Paraguay, Senegal, Venezuela

Possible draw:

Group A: South Africa, Croatia, USA, Colombia
Group B: Argentina, Netherlands, Honduras, Ghana
Group C: France, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Senegal
Group D: England, Portugal, Australia, Egypt
Group E: Spain, Greece, Japan, Cote d'Ivoire
Group F: Italy, Turkey, Korea Republic, Venezuela
Group G: Germany, Scotland, Iran, Paraguay
Group H: Brazil, Czech Republic, Mexico, Cameroon

About me:

Christian, husband, father x 3, programmer, Romanian. Started the blog in March 2007. Quit in April 2018. You can find me on LinkedIn.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Din esalonul al treilea in prima liga (1990 - 2007)

Pornind de la o discutie de pe forumul Sport365, iata lista echipelor (24 la numar) care au promovat din al treilea esalon in prima liga in ultimii 17 ani:

Electroputere Craiova (1990, 1991)
Progresul Bucuresti (1990, 1992)
Chindia Targoviste (1995, 1996)
Foresta Falticeni (1995, 1997)
FC Onesti (1995, 1998)
Olimpia Satu Mare (1995, 1998)
Astra Ploiesti (1996*, 1998)
Rocar Bucuresti (1993, 1999)
Gaz Metan Medias (1993, 2000)
UM Timisoara (1999, 2001)
FC Baia Mare (2000, 2001 - FCM Bacau a cumparat locul)
Fulgerul Bragadiru/AEK Bucuresti/Politehnica 1921 Stiinta Timisoara (2000, 2002)**
FC Bihor Oradea (1998, 2003)
CFR Cluj (2002, 2004)
Politehnica Iasi (2002, 2004)
Pandurii Targu Jiu (2000, 2005)
FC Vaslui (2003, 2005)
Jiul Petrosani (2003, 2005)
Unirea Urziceni (2003, 2006)
Liberty Salonta (2004***, 2006 - UT Arad a cumparat locul)
Universitatea Cluj (2001, 2007)
Gloria Buzau (2002, 2007)
Dacia Mioveni (2003, 2007)
Delta Tulcea (2006, 2007 - n-a primit licenta)

* - Astra Ploiesti a cumparat loc in esalonul secund in 1996.
** - Fulgerul Bragadiru a promovat din C in B in 2000 si a vrut sa cumpere locul de A de la Rocar Bucuresti. Totusi FRF nu a permis acest lucru (ar fi permis o fuziune), asa ca sponsorul celor de la Fulgerul, Gheorghe Florea (multumesc Darkslowstar), a platit doar pentru schimbarea numelui echipei din prima liga in Rocar Fulgerul Bragadiru. Fulgerul Bragadiru a continuat in B in acel an si a promovat in A.
*** - Liberty Salonta a cumparat loc in esalonul secund in 2004.

Am folosit clasamentele de pe RSSSF.

About me:

Christian, husband, father x 3, programmer, Romanian. Started the blog in March 2007. Quit in April 2018. You can find me on LinkedIn.