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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

FIFA Ranking: Mexico's July 2008 detailed point totals

The columns are as follows: Match date, Opponents' FIFA trigramme, FIFA match points for Mexico

"0.2 time frame"

7-Jul-2004 URU 443.19
10-Jul-2004 ARG 1640.925
13-Jul-2004 ECU 1396.89
18-Jul-2004 BRA 0
8-Sep-2004 TRI 646.8
6-Oct-2004 VIN 343.2
10-Oct-2004 VIN 343.2
13-Oct-2004 TRI 646.8
27-Oct-2004 ECU 448.8
10-Nov-2004 GUA 319.44
13-Nov-2004 SKN 699.6
17-Nov-2004 SKN 699.6
26-Jan-2005 SWE 168.26
9-Feb-2005 CRC 1122
23-Feb-2005 COL 173.91
9-Mar-2005 ARG 185.13
27-Mar-2005 USA 1201.2
30-Mar-2005 PAN 259.6
27-Apr-2005 POL 157.92
4-Jun-2005 GUA 891
8-Jun-2005 TRI 712.8
16-Jun-2005 JPN 1292.31
19-Jun-2005 BRA 1683
22-Jun-2005 GRE 547.08
26-Jun-2005 ARG 555.39
29-Jun-2005 GER 0

"0.3 time frame"

8-Jul-2005 RSA 0
10-Jul-2005 GUA 982.08
13-Jul-2005 JAM 1164.24
17-Jul-2005 COL 0
17-Aug-2005 CRC 1102.2
3-Sep-2005 USA 0
7-Sep-2005 PAN 838.2
8-Oct-2005 GUA 871.2
12-Oct-2005 TRI 0
26-Oct-2005 URU 544.17
16-Nov-2005 BUL 0
14-Dec-2005 HUN 344.04
25-Jan-2006 NOR 448.38
15-Feb-2006 KOR 0
1-Mar-2006 GHA 386.655
29-Mar-2006 PAR 513.315
5-May-2006 VEN 375.87
12-May-2006 COD 339.945
27-May-2006 FRA 0
1-Jun-2006 NED 0
11-Jun-2006 IRN 1598.52
16-Jun-2006 ANG 487.86
21-Jun-2006 POR 0
24-Jun-2006 ARG 0

"0.5 time frame"

7-Feb-2007 USA 0
28-Feb-2007 VEN 367.83
25-Mar-2007 PAR 469.395
28-Mar-2007 ECU 483.12
2-Jun-2007 IRN 405.45
5-Jun-2007 PAR 0
8-Jun-2007 CUB 986.85
10-Jun-2007 HON 0
13-Jun-2007 PAN 1132.2
17-Jun-2007 CRC 1178.1
24-Jun-2007 USA 0
27-Jun-2007 BRA 1622.295
1-Jul-2007 ECU 1284.66

"1.0 time frame"

4-Jul-2007 CHI 403.515
8-Jul-2007 PAR 1342.305
11-Jul-2007 ARG 0
14-Jul-2007 URU 1399.95
22-Aug-2007 COL 0
12-Sep-2007 BRA 0
14-Oct-2007 NGA 150.45
17-Oct-2007 GUA 0
6-Feb-2008 USA 153
26-Mar-2008 GHA 471.75
16-Apr-2008 CHN 300.9
4-Jun-2008 ARG 0
8-Jun-2008 PER 373.32
15-Jun-2008 BLZ 318.75
21-Jun-2008 BLZ 318.75

Adding it up:

Year - Points - Matches - Multiplier - Total

-4 16578.05 26 0.2 127.5234
-3 9996.675 24 0.3 124.9584
-2 7929.9 13 0.5 304.9962
-1 5232.69 15 1 348.846

Total for the four years: 906.3240144, rounded to 906.

About me:

Christian, husband, father x 3, programmer, Romanian. Started the blog in March 2007. Quit in April 2018. You can find me on LinkedIn.

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