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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

FIFA Ranking: Regarding Mexico (a reply to Toeball Tyler) (II)

Part two: FIFA Rankings are worthless - v2

I am yet to get a response from Edgar himself on what equation he is using and where he got it.
I am not saying that Edgar used the above numbers as a base. I have no idea what he used.

Also, his BigSoccer post:

Where is this data available? I would like to see the data to show the 18 point drop for Mexico in August (so I assume you would compare it to a July run).

I would also like to see the US numbers as well.

Is this all the data that they use in the FIFA rankings? I was under the assumption that the algorithm was not public.

Here's the explanation:

First of all, we do live in different time zones, that's why I'm a bit late in answering.
The algorithm is public. As Foosinho said look at this pdf file - you'll get all the details -> Calculation of points.
While I don't have the time right now to post the data for Mexico's 13 places (not 18 points!) drop or the US values, I hope you'll trust my blog for this.
I announced on July 3rd that Mexico will drop to 32nd, one spot below the US -> link.
On August 8th I said Mexico will overtake the US with a home win against Honduras -> link.
And on August 21st, I posted a preview of the September FIFA Rankings with Mexico on 24th -> link.
If you think I somehow changed the dates of the posts on my blog in order to look smart, check the FIFA Ranking thread on BigSoccer.
The FIFA Rankings are indeed flawed, I never said otherwise.

If that isn't enough for you, I will try to find the time to post the detailed point totals for US and Mexico for July and August 2008.

Later edit:

Click here for Mexico's July 2008 detailed point totals.

For August 2008, please read this post.

I'm not entirely sure about the USA - You'll have to tell me a month.

About me:

Christian, husband, father x 3, programmer, Romanian. Started the blog in March 2007. Quit in April 2018. You can find me on LinkedIn.

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