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Monday, March 30, 2009

FIFA Ranking: Italy March 2009 detailed point totals

The columns are as follows: Match date, Opponents' FIFA trigramme, FIFA match points for Italy.

"0.2 time frame"

26-Mar-2005 SCO 937.5
30-Mar-2005 ISL 105
04-Jun-2005 NOR 392.5
08-Jun-2005 SRB 158
11-Jun-2005 ECU 162.185
17-Aug-2005 IRL 531
03-Sep-2005 SCO 317.5
07-Sep-2005 BLR 1095
08-Oct-2005 SVN 1140
12-Oct-2005 MDA 877.5
12-Nov-2005 NED 591
16-Nov-2005 CIV 149.85
01-Mar-2006 GER 540

"0.3 time frame"

31-May-2006 SUI 179
02-Jun-2006 UKR 175
12-Jun-2006 GHA 1687.2
17-Jun-2006 USA 703.12
22-Jun-2006 CZE 2376
26-Jun-2006 AUS 1776
30-Jun-2006 UKR 2028
04-Jul-2006 GER 2184
09-Jul-2006 FRA 1552
16-Aug-2006 CRO 0
02-Sep-2006 LTU 337.5
06-Sep-2006 FRA 0
07-Oct-2006 UKR 1402.5
11-Oct-2006 GEO 802.5
15-Nov-2006 TUR 179

"0.5 time frame"

28-Mar-2007 SCO 1380
02-Jun-2007 FRO 375
06-Jun-2007 LTU 810
22-Aug-2007 HUN 0
08-Sep-2007 FRA 490
12-Sep-2007 UKR 1387.5
13-Oct-2007 GEO 720
17-Oct-2007 RSA 352.425
17-Nov-2007 SCO 1402.5
21-Nov-2007 FRO 375
06-Feb-2008 POR 576

"1.0 time frame"

26-Mar-2008 ESP 0
30-May-2008 BEL 462
09-Jun-2008 NED 0
13-Jun-2008 ROU 564
17-Jun-2008 FRA 1737
22-Jun-2008 ESP 588
20-Aug-2008 AUT 97
06-Sep-2008 CYP 1012.5
10-Sep-2008 GEO 922.5
11-Oct-2008 BUL 462.5
15-Oct-2008 MNE 622.5
19-Nov-2008 GRE 182
10-Feb-2009 BRA 0

Adding it up:

Year - Points - Matches - Multiplier - Total

-4 6997.035 13 0.2 107.6467
-3 15381.82 15 0.3 307.6364
-2 7868.425 11 0.5 357.6557
-1 6650 13 1 511.5385

Total: 1284.477236 rounded down to 1284.

About me:

Christian, husband, father x 3, programmer, Romanian. Started the blog in March 2007. Quit in April 2018. You can find me on LinkedIn.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting this. And thank you for your blog that explains the Fifa ranking system much better than the Fifa web site does.
