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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

FIFA Ranking: Teams in need of matches for the December 2009 ranking

There are 60 teams that will not have the required 5 matches in the last 12 months when the December 2009 FIFA Ranking will be released. For these teams, FIFA will basically add a number of "virtual defeats" equal to the difference between the number of matches actually played by that team in the last 12 months and the required 5 matches.

Only Cape Verde Islands will be in the top 100.

19 countries managed to get positive results in the last 12 months, but they lose points because of the 5 matches requirement.

Country - Points lost - Interim December 2009 rank
Barbados                       175 128
Antigua and Barbuda 84 130
Myanmar 51 139
Cook Islands 51 184
Guyana 46 126
Cape Verde Islands 40 97
Comoros 25 176
Libya 23 115
Netherlands Antilles 21 166
Congo DR 17 107
Philippines 17 164
Cambodia 17 174
Belize 14 172
Suriname 13 143
St. Vincent and the Grenadines 13 151
Mongolia 13 170
Tonga 12 189
St. Kitts and Nevis 9 153
Nepal 4 175

About me:

Christian, husband, father x 3, programmer, Romanian. Started the blog in March 2007. Quit in April 2018. You can find me on LinkedIn.

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