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Friday, July 29, 2011

Panama protest

Panama FA (FEPAFUT) have published an official protest on their website:

Panamá protesta por el Ranking FIFA utilizado para sorteo del Mundial Brasil 2014

Also, read Julio Dely Valdés (Panama NT manager) take on this:

Es injusto para Panamá

As mentioned in this post, if the July ranking would have been used Jamaica, Panama, Antigua and Barbuda, Suriname would all climb one pot, while Honduras, Cuba, Haiti and Grenada would drop one pot.

About me:

Christian, husband, father x 3, programmer, Romanian. Started the blog in March 2007. Quit in April 2018. You can find me on LinkedIn.


  1. Panama for me are the biggest victims of the March ranking. There is a chance they could be advantaged if they drow out Cuba though. I'm sure the protest will go away then. That first group round has nothing to threaten them if you ask me. I think even Guatemala should they draw them will be soundly defeated. They'll steamroll just about everyone else.

  2. I see no reason to be upset about this. For 2010 Panama only played two matches in total. Here they'll have the chance to play more matches and improve their ranking even further.

  3. @

    Tell that to Panama if they get Mexico and Costa Rica tomorrow.

  4. GO PANAMA!! Albeit a little late to protest -- should have done it after they beat the US...

  5. Panama should be very happy with the draw now.
