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Friday, November 23, 2012

2014 FIFA World Cup seeding update (23 November 2012)

Next update: February 2013

Includes matches up to and including 21 November 2012.

See more info in the original 2014 FIFA World Cup seeding post.

This is the top 20 of the intermediate October 2013 ranking.

1 Spain 835
2 Germany 763
3 Argentina 741
4 Portugal 615
5 Netherlands 598
6 Uruguay 587
7 Italy 586
8 England 585
9 Greece 572
10 Russia 568
11 Colombia 563
12 Croatia 538
13 France 538
14 Switzerland 522
15 Côte d'Ivoire 521
16 Sweden 484
17 Brazil 481
18 Mexico 481
19 Japan 481
20 Ecuador 461

Uruguay replace England in the list of seeds.

Right now, the seeds for the 2014 World Cup would be: Brazil, Spain, Germany, Argentina, Portugal, Netherlands, Uruguay and Italy.

Top 3 teams by confederation:

AFC: Japan (19), Australia (31), Uzbekistan (34)
CAF: Côte d'Ivoire (15), Algeria (26), Ghana (28)
CONCACAF: Mexico (18), Haiti (27), Trinidad and Tobago (33)
CONMEBOL: Argentina (3), Uruguay (6), Colombia (11)
OFC: New Zealand (88), New Caledonia (114), Tahiti (144)
UEFA: Spain (1), Germany (2), Portugal (4)

USA are 39th.

Breakdown by year (average for each time frame)

1 Spain 1041.95 654.09 763.94 48.25 835
2 Germany 927.06 610.96 751 19.3 763
3 Argentina 785.48 402.45 809.86 58.44 741
4 Portugal 625.58 491.17 645.58 19.66 615
5 Netherlands 1020.07 569.55 396.79 24.75 598
6 Uruguay 735.7 643.76 414.32 39.82 587
7 Italy 405.36 652.14 618.6 0 586
8 England 685.58 491.2 601.57 0 585
9 Greece 563.52 542.63 470.96 61.5 572
10 Russia 543.81 451.29 606.68 20.33 568
11 Colombia 189.7 464.54 729.69 20.78 563
12 Croatia 513.17 488.65 578.54 0 538
13 France 408.52 522.75 452.27 73.13 538
14 Switzerland 385.03 468.75 500.85 53.71 522
15 Côte d'Ivoire 437.47 441.98 519.66 40.92 521
16 Sweden 349.66 604.49 349.31 58.2 484
17 Brazil 706.19 389.36 391.47 27.43 481
18 Mexico 321.67 477.87 546.94 0 481
19 Japan 398.52 539.52 344.44 66.85 481
20 Ecuador 132.49 306.73 685.26 0 461

About me:

Christian, husband, father x 3, programmer, Romanian. Started the blog in March 2007. Quit in April 2018. You can find me on LinkedIn.


  1. Wow Uzbekistan are 3rd in Asia?

    What happened to South Korea?

    1. Hard first half to WCQ. They've also played one game less than the other teams in their group. They've got 3 home games coming plus an away game vs bottom team Lebanon. They could well win all of these games.

  2. can you please tell me the position of iraq ?
