Most points gained (worst case scenario):
92 - Cameroon
49 - El Salvador
40 - Ecuador
33 - Trinidad and Tobago
33 - Suriname
31 - Lebanon
30 - Botswana
25 - Dominican Republic
24 - Vanuatu
22 - Turkmenistan
Most points lost (best case scenario):
-75 - Togo
-49 - Aruba
-48 - Spain
-47 - Côte d'Ivoire
-46 - Haiti
-43 - Peru
-43 - Vietnam
-37 - Belize
-33 - Ethiopia
-31 - Tunisia
At least three teams will improve their best ever ranking:
Bosnia-Herzegovina (13 - 14 in July 2013)
Dominican Republic (at least 89 - 90 in July 2013)
Philippines (141 - 143 in November 2012)
One team will return to its best ever ranking:
Afghanistan (139 - 139 in April 2013)
Two teams will drop to new lows:
Cambodia (199 - 198 in July 2013)
South Sudan (203 - 200 in November 2012)
July 2013 rank - Country - July 2013 points - Minimum points - Maximum points
1 | Spain | 1532 | 1484 | 1484 |
2 | Germany | 1273 | 1257 | 1257 |
3 | Colombia | 1206 | 1219 | 1219 |
4 | Argentina | 1204 | 1210 | 1210 |
5 | Netherlands | 1180 | 1165 | 1165 |
6 | Italy | 1142 | 1142 | 1142 |
7 | Portugal | 1099 | 1099 | 1099 |
8 | Croatia | 1098 | 1098 | 1098 |
9 | Brazil | 1095 | 1089 | 1089 |
10 | Belgium | 1079 | 1079 | 1079 |
11 | Greece | 1038 | 1038 | 1038 |
12 | Uruguay | 1016 | 998 | 998 |
13 | Côte d'Ivoire | 1009 | 932 | 962 |
14 | Bosnia-Herzegovina | 995 | 995 | 995 |
15 | England | 994 | 994 | 994 |
16 | Switzerland | 987 | 987 | 987 |
17 | Russia | 979 | 979 | 979 |
18 | Ecuador | 932 | 972 | 972 |
19 | Peru | 898 | 855 | 855 |
20 | Mexico | 880 | 857 | 977 |
21 | Chile | 872 | 871 | 871 |
22 | USA | 865 | 866 | 977 |
23 | France | 838 | 838 | 838 |
24 | Ghana | 830 | 830 | 830 |
25 | Norway | 801 | 801 | 801 |
26 | Czech Republic | 797 | 797 | 797 |
27 | Denmark | 788 | 788 | 788 |
28 | Mali | 774 | 735 | 763 |
28 | Montenegro | 774 | 774 | 774 |
28 | Ukraine | 774 | 774 | 774 |
31 | Sweden | 765 | 765 | 765 |
32 | Hungary | 749 | 749 | 749 |
33 | Romania | 732 | 732 | 732 |
34 | Algeria | 730 | 730 | 730 |
35 | Nigeria | 723 | 700 | 725 |
36 | Venezuela | 704 | 688 | 688 |
37 | Albania | 689 | 689 | 689 |
37 | Japan | 689 | 645 | 705 |
39 | Costa Rica | 688 | 651 | 781 |
40 | Australia | 671 | 622 | 685 |
41 | Serbia | 661 | 661 | 661 |
42 | Burkina Faso | 656 | 618 | 631 |
43 | Korea Republic | 642 | 575 | 666 |
44 | Republic of Ireland | 639 | 639 | 639 |
45 | Slovenia | 634 | 634 | 634 |
46 | Wales | 630 | 630 | 630 |
47 | Tunisia | 627 | 596 | 596 |
48 | Paraguay | 622 | 614 | 614 |
49 | Cape Verde Islands | 620 | 620 | 620 |
50 | Scotland | 610 | 610 | 610 |
51 | Panama | 601 | 605 | 741 |
52 | Bulgaria | 596 | 596 | 596 |
52 | Iran | 596 | 601 | 601 |
54 | Austria | 595 | 595 | 595 |
55 | Honduras | 582 | 597 | 750 |
55 | New Zealand | 582 | 582 | 582 |
57 | Turkey | 573 | 573 | 573 |
58 | Uzbekistan | 563 | 566 | 566 |
59 | South Africa | 558 | 523 | 530 |
60 | Zambia | 554 | 522 | 558 |
61 | Guinea | 545 | 482 | 526 |
62 | Egypt | 543 | 544 | 544 |
63 | Slovakia | 542 | 542 | 542 |
64 | Israel | 540 | 540 | 540 |
65 | Finland | 537 | 537 | 537 |
66 | Armenia | 534 | 534 | 534 |
67 | Equatorial Guinea | 532 | 532 | 532 |
68 | Bolivia | 528 | 538 | 538 |
69 | Haiti | 522 | 476 | 476 |
70 | Libya | 518 | 518 | 518 |
71 | Cameroon | 517 | 609 | 609 |
72 | Togo | 511 | 436 | 436 |
73 | Iceland | 499 | 499 | 499 |
74 | Senegal | 497 | 452 | 471 |
75 | Poland | 493 | 493 | 493 |
76 | Jordan | 489 | 495 | 495 |
77 | Jamaica | 484 | 469 | 469 |
78 | Belarus | 482 | 482 | 482 |
79 | Morocco | 470 | 474 | 474 |
80 | Uganda | 466 | 454 | 468 |
81 | Gabon | 459 | 459 | 459 |
82 | Cuba | 458 | 389 | 601 |
83 | Sierra Leone | 443 | 443 | 443 |
84 | Congo DR | 434 | 407 | 433 |
85 | United Arab Emirates | 432 | 429 | 429 |
86 | Estonia | 423 | 423 | 423 |
87 | Trinidad and Tobago | 419 | 452 | 628 |
88 | Canada | 413 | 386 | 386 |
89 | Central African Republic | 398 | 398 | 398 |
90 | Congo | 396 | 348 | 385 |
90 | Dominican Republic | 396 | 421 | 421 |
92 | FYR Macedonia | 395 | 395 | 395 |
93 | Guatemala | 388 | 377 | 377 |
94 | El Salvador | 382 | 431 | 627 |
95 | Ethiopia | 381 | 338 | 348 |
96 | Angola | 380 | 364 | 364 |
97 | New Caledonia | 377 | 377 | 377 |
98 | Georgia | 369 | 369 | 369 |
99 | Oman | 361 | 370 | 370 |
100 | China PR | 339 | 317 | 413 |
101 | Iraq | 335 | 328 | 328 |
102 | Mozambique | 326 | 301 | 328 |
103 | Liberia | 324 | 335 | 335 |
104 | Lithuania | 321 | 321 | 321 |
105 | Saudi Arabia | 315 | 316 | 316 |
106 | Tajikistan | 314 | 301 | 301 |
107 | Niger | 313 | 289 | 323 |
108 | Malawi | 312 | 283 | 283 |
109 | Suriname | 311 | 344 | 344 |
110 | Kuwait | 309 | 304 | 304 |
111 | Northern Ireland | 307 | 307 | 307 |
112 | Korea DPR | 306 | 306 | 306 |
112 | Qatar | 306 | 305 | 305 |
114 | Zimbabwe | 304 | 277 | 329 |
115 | Benin | 302 | 302 | 302 |
116 | Botswana | 301 | 331 | 382 |
117 | Azerbaijan | 298 | 298 | 298 |
118 | Bahrain | 286 | 286 | 286 |
119 | Latvia | 280 | 280 | 280 |
120 | Burundi | 273 | 235 | 260 |
121 | Tanzania | 271 | 249 | 271 |
122 | Antigua and Barbuda | 265 | 272 | 272 |
123 | Grenada | 264 | 264 | 264 |
123 | Kenya | 264 | 243 | 243 |
125 | Cyprus | 256 | 256 | 256 |
125 | Moldova | 256 | 256 | 256 |
127 | Namibia | 252 | 219 | 261 |
128 | Guyana | 250 | 250 | 250 |
129 | Lebanon | 246 | 277 | 277 |
130 | Belize | 242 | 205 | 205 |
131 | Puerto Rico | 241 | 241 | 241 |
132 | St. Vincent and the Grenadines | 238 | 238 | 238 |
133 | Malta | 236 | 236 | 236 |
134 | Rwanda | 233 | 216 | 240 |
134 | Sudan | 233 | 223 | 239 |
136 | Turkmenistan | 232 | 254 | 254 |
137 | Kyrgyzstan | 227 | 228 | 228 |
138 | Thailand | 223 | 223 | 223 |
139 | St. Kitts and Nevis | 218 | 218 | 218 |
140 | Afghanistan | 214 | 214 | 214 |
141 | Luxembourg | 210 | 210 | 210 |
141 | St. Lucia | 210 | 207 | 207 |
143 | Syria | 205 | 174 | 174 |
144 | Philippines | 203 | 208 | 208 |
145 | Vietnam | 182 | 139 | 139 |
146 | India | 178 | 177 | 177 |
147 | Barbados | 175 | 175 | 175 |
148 | Hong Kong | 173 | 180 | 180 |
148 | Liechtenstein | 173 | 173 | 173 |
150 | Kazakhstan | 172 | 172 | 172 |
151 | Palestine | 167 | 168 | 168 |
152 | Bangladesh | 166 | 138 | 138 |
153 | Aruba | 163 | 114 | 114 |
154 | Maldives | 147 | 150 | 150 |
154 | Tahiti | 147 | 147 | 147 |
156 | Singapore | 146 | 142 | 142 |
157 | Bermuda | 139 | 139 | 139 |
158 | Nicaragua | 138 | 138 | 138 |
159 | Malaysia | 136 | 133 | 133 |
160 | Chad | 134 | 135 | 135 |
161 | Lesotho | 133 | 135 | 165 |
162 | Solomon Islands | 132 | 152 | 152 |
163 | Myanmar | 129 | 120 | 120 |
164 | Gambia | 126 | 124 | 124 |
165 | Dominica | 124 | 124 | 124 |
166 | Sao Tome e Principe | 120 | 120 | 120 |
167 | Pakistan | 114 | 114 | 114 |
168 | Indonesia | 112 | 99 | 99 |
169 | Nepal | 106 | 95 | 95 |
170 | Yemen | 96 | 83 | 83 |
171 | Sri Lanka | 95 | 95 | 95 |
172 | Mauritania | 94 | 94 | 159 |
173 | Laos | 87 | 84 | 84 |
174 | Faroe Islands | 81 | 81 | 81 |
175 | Chinese Taipei | 77 | 75 | 75 |
176 | Guam | 70 | 71 | 71 |
177 | Montserrat | 66 | 66 | 66 |
178 | Curacao | 65 | 61 | 61 |
179 | Swaziland | 60 | 62 | 62 |
180 | Guinea-Bissau | 58 | 58 | 58 |
181 | Bahamas | 53 | 40 | 40 |
182 | Brunei Darussalam | 52 | 52 | 52 |
182 | Mauritius | 52 | 70 | 143 |
182 | Timor-Leste | 52 | 52 | 52 |
185 | Madagascar | 51 | 50 | 50 |
186 | Mongolia | 49 | 49 | 49 |
187 | Samoa | 46 | 46 | 46 |
187 | US Virgin Islands | 46 | 42 | 42 |
189 | Tonga | 43 | 43 | 43 |
189 | Vanuatu | 43 | 67 | 67 |
191 | Comoros | 41 | 33 | 33 |
191 | Fiji | 41 | 50 | 50 |
193 | British Virgin Islands | 34 | 21 | 21 |
194 | Cayman Islands | 33 | 33 | 33 |
195 | American Samoa | 30 | 30 | 30 |
196 | Eritrea | 24 | 24 | 24 |
197 | Papua New Guinea | 23 | 23 | 23 |
198 | Cambodia | 20 | 20 | 20 |
198 | South Sudan | 20 | 10 | 10 |
200 | Seychelles | 19 | 24 | 24 |
201 | Somalia | 14 | 14 | 14 |
202 | Macau | 12 | 13 | 13 |
203 | Djibouti | 11 | 11 | 11 |
204 | Cook Islands | 9 | 9 | 9 |
205 | Andorra | 8 | 8 | 8 |
206 | Anguilla | 3 | 2 | 2 |
207 | Bhutan | 0 | 0 | 0 |
207 | San Marino | 0 | 0 | 0 |
207 | Turks and Caicos Islands | 0 | 0 | 0 |
How can Cuba have a maximum of 601 ?? Isn't it a mistake? I tried to bring its total to that number every which way but never came up with 601. I looked many times at Cuba's past fixtures and noticed that they played no games at all in the past four years in July or August... So all except the latest timeframe average should remain unchanged no? As listed by FIFA in July:
ReplyDelete2010 ..... 0 ......... 20% ...... 0
2011 ..... 224.27 .... 30% ...... 67.28
2012 ..... 19.95 ..... 50% ...... 9.97
2013*..... 380.82 .... 100% ..... 380.82
Total ........................... 458
In the 100% timeframe, I counted 10 games played before the Gold Cup + four during (to be added).
Since this was posted on July 19, I assumed that you took into account the 1st three game results (up to the 16th) and the only unknown was the game on the 20th. Then I tried different combinations of wins/losses using the following game points for the hypothetical Cuba wins:
PAN - CUB (6:1) .......... 1180.08
CUB - BLZ (4:0) .......... 554.4
USA - CUB (4:1) .......... 1409.76
CRC - CUB (3:0) .......... 1275.12
Added these to 3808.2 (380.82 x 10) and divided by 14 for the new yearly avg. Substituted the old avg with the new one in the final total, never got 601.
Any help??
Deleteassume that at the time of the post the quarter final pairing was known (PAN-CUB).
We are talking about calculating maximum points here so Cuba wins that quarter final. After that awaits a semi final against Mexico and after another win awaits a final against the USA with also a win for Cuba, so that leads for the first time frame to:
10 matches 3808.2 pts
3 group matches GC 554.4 pts
QF GC (win PAN) 1180.08 pts
SF (win MEX) 1425.6 pts
F (win USA) 1409.76 pts
16 matches 8378.04 pts => avg 523.63
and for the FIFA points in August for Cuba:
523.63 + 9.97 + 67.28 + 0 = 600.88, rounded 601 pts.
Thanks Ed! Again :)
DeleteSorry for the inconvenience
ReplyDeleteFor the classification of Egypt national team
Egypt has a friendly match on Aug. 14 against Mali
Is it possible to know if Egypt beat Mali how many points increase in ranking?
For the Tunis friendly match against Congo Brazzaville
In case of victory Tunisia how many points increase in ranking?
In case of a drawn?
Thank you
Deletethe friendlies on August 14th count for the September ranking. The final CAF second round qualification matches on September 6-10 will also count for this ranking.
The September ranking will be used to seed the 10 second round group winners in the draw for the CAF play-offs.
Egypt will have 544 points in the August ranking.
For the September ranking:
EGY win MLI, win GUI: 620 pts
EGY win MLI, draw GUI: 573 pts
EGY win MLI, loss GUI: 549 pts
EGY draw MLI, win GUI: 596 pts
EGY draw MLI, draw GUI: 549 pts
EGY draw MLI, loss GUI: 525 pts
EGY loss MLI, win GUI: 584 pts
EGY loss MLI, draw GUI: 537 pts
EGY loss MLI, loss GUI: 513 pts
Tunisia will have 596 pts in August.
For the September ranking:
TUN win CGO, win CPV: 643 pts
TUN win CGO, draw CPV: 601 pts
TUN win CGO, loss CPV: 580 pts
TUN draw CGO, win CPV: 632 pts
TUN draw CGO, draw CPV: 590 pts
TUN draw CGO, loss CPV: 569 pts
TUN loss CGO, win CPV: 626 pts
TUN loss CGO, draw CPV: 585 pts
TUN loss CGO, loss CPV: 564 pts
Based on any standard has been calculated that Egypt will reach a point 620 and not 612?
DeleteNote that Mali would fall in the ranking and Guinea also in August ranking
Hossam, I don't understand your question.
DeleteThe presented points are calculated with the positions of Mali (32) and Guinea (68) in the August ranking.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete2010 669.5 20% 133.9
ReplyDelete2011 193.39 30% 58.02
2012 266.53 50% 133.26
2013 217.7 100% 217.7
Is it possible to know how the average is calculated in 2013?
Example Egypt average in 2013 is 217.7
How is calculated?
15-Aug-12-OMA-0.86-0.86-1-92 -1 -92.88
ReplyDelete12-Oct-12-CGO-0.86-0.86-3-94 -1 -273.48
16-Oct-12-TUN-0.86-0.86-0-45 -1 -0
14-Nov-12-GEO-1.00-0.86-1-65 -1 -125.55
10-Jan-13-GHA-0.86-0.86-0-30 -1 -0
14-Jan-13-CIV-0.86-0.86-0-14 -1 -0
6-Feb-13 -CHI-1.00-0.86-0-30 -1 -0
7-Mar-13 -QAT-0.86-0.86-0-101-1 -0
9-Jun-13 -ZIM-0.86-0.86-3-102-2.5-632.1
The game result is the final column which is (Column 3+column 4)/2*column 5*(200-column 6)*column 7.
Yearly coefficient is the average of all games in that year which comes to 217.7.
The ranking in September is being released on the 12th, so both the match against Mali and the World Cup Qualifying match against Guinea will likely be counted.
Is it possible to calculate Tunisia ranking as you calculated Egypt ranking?
Delete2013 318.34 100% 318.34
Delete8-Sep-12-Sierra Leone-0.86-0.86-1-59-2.5-303.15
13-Oct-12-Sierra Leone-0.86-0.86-1-67-2.5-285.95
26-Jan-13-Ivory Coast-0.86-0.86-0-14-3-0
23-Mar-13-Sierra Leone-0.86-0.86-3-63-2.5-883.65
7-Jun-13-Sierra Leone-0.86-0.86-1-70-2.5-279.5
14-Jun-13-Equatorial Guinea-0.86-0.86-1-64-2.5-292.4
Is it possible to know the expectations of September ranking for Cameroon and Cape Verde??
ReplyDeleteIn addition to the numbers for Egypt and Tunisia:
Deletethe FIFA points in the September ranking for the main contenders for the last seeded spots in the CAF play-offs (Nigeria, Cameroon, Cape Verde and Burkina Faso) for all combinations of results. The opponent's position in the August ranking is used to calculate these points.
Nigeria: friendly RSA-NGA (Aug 14) and WCQ NGA-MWI (Sep 7)
NGA win RSA, win MWI: 710 pts
NGA win RSA, draw MWI: 692 pts
NGA win RSA, loss MWI: 683 pts
NGA draw RSA, win MWI: 698 pts
NGA draw RSA, draw MWI: 681 pts
NGA draw RSA, loss MWI: 672 pts
NGA loss RSA, win MWI: 693 pts
NGA loss RSA, draw MWI: 675 pts
NGA loss RSA, loss MWI: 666 pts
Cameroon: friendly GAB-CMR (Aug 9) and WCQ CMR-LBY (Sep 8)
CMR win GAB, win LBY: 639 pts
CMR win GAB, draw LBY: 588 pts
CMR win GAB, loss LBY: 562 pts
CMR draw GAB, win LBY: 620 pts
CMR draw GAB, draw LBY: 569 pts
CMR draw GAB, loss LBY: 543 pts
CMR loss GAB, win LBY: 611 pts
CMR loss GAB, draw LBY: 560 pts
CMR loss GAB, loss LBY: 534 pts
Cape Verde: friendly GAB-CPV (Aug 14) and WCQ TUN-CPV (Sep 7)
CPV win GAB, win TUN: 756 pts
CPV win GAB, draw TUN: 703 pts
CPV win GAB, loss TUN: 677 pts
CPV draw GAB, win TUN: 739 pts
CPV draw GAB, draw TUN: 686 pts
CPV draw GAB, loss TUN: 660 pts
CPV loss GAB, win TUN: 730 pts
CPV loss GAB, draw TUN: 678 pts
CPV loss GAB, loss TUN: 651 pts
Burkina Faso: friendly MAR-BFA (Aug 14) and WCQ BFA-GAB (Sep 7)
BFA win MAR, win GAB: 651 pts
BFA win MAR, draw GAB: 624 pts
BFA win MAR, loss GAB: 611 pts
BFA draw MAR, win GAB: 640 pts
BFA draw MAR, draw GAB: 613 pts
BFA draw MAR, loss GAB: 600 pts
BFA loss MAR, win GAB: 634 pts
BFA loss MAR, draw GAB: 607 pts
BFA loss MAR, loss GAB: 594 pts
Interesting role for Gabon here, with a match to play against three contestants for a seeded spot.
Concerning the CAF play-offs.
ReplyDeleteBased on the given list of elo-predictions for all remaining matches with CAF-teams involved, the predicted September ranking for CAF-countries that could still qualify for the play-offs is:
1 Cote d'Ivoire 952
2 Ghana 867
3 Algeria 780
4 Nigeria 698
5 Cape Verde Islands 683
6 Tunisia 643
7 Burkina Faso 640
8 Egypt 596
9 Cameroon 588
10 South Africa 547
11 Senegal 534
12 Zambia 526
13 Libya 490
14 Uganda 477
15 Gabon 420
16 Congo 388
17 Ethiopia 359
18 Botswana 337
19 Malawi 269
2013-08-02 Namibia - Mozambique; Friendly; X
2013-08-02 Zambia - Botswana; Friendly; 1
2013-08-02 Zimbabwe - Mauritius; Friendly; 1
2013-08-05 Oman - Libya; Friendly; X
2013-08-09 Gabon - Cameroon; Friendly; X
2013-08-14 Algeria - Guinea; Friendly; 1
2013-08-14 Egypt - Mali; Friendly; X
2013-08-14 Mexico - Cote d'Ivoire; Friendly; X
2013-08-14 Morocco - Burkina Faso; Friendly; X
2013-08-14 South Africa - Nigeria; Friendly; X
2013-08-14 Tunisia - Congo; Friendly; 1
2013-08-14 Zambia - Senegal; Friendly; X
2013-09-06 Algeria - Mali; World Cup qualifier; 1
2013-09-06 Angola - Liberia; World Cup qualifier; 1
2013-09-06 Benin - Rwanda; World Cup qualifier; 1
2013-09-06 Burkina Faso - Gabon; World Cup qualifier; 1
2013-09-06 Cameroon - Libya; World Cup qualifier; 1
2013-09-06 Central African Republic - Ethiopia; World Cup qualifier; X
2013-09-06 Cote d'Ivoire - Morocco; World Cup qualifier; 1
2013-09-06 Egypt - Guinea; World Cup qualifier; 1
2013-09-06 Gambia - Tanzania; World Cup qualifier; X
2013-09-06 Ghana - Zambia; World Cup qualifier; 1
2013-09-06 Kenya - Namibia; World Cup qualifier; 1
2013-09-06 Niger - Congo; World Cup qualifier; X
2013-09-06 Nigeria - Malawi; World Cup qualifier; 1
2013-09-06 Senegal - Uganda; World Cup qualifier; 1
2013-09-06 Sierra Leone - Equatorial Guinea; World Cup qualifier; 1
2013-09-06 South Africa - Botswana; World Cup qualifier; 1
2013-09-06 Sudan - Lesotho; World Cup qualifier; 1
2013-09-06 Togo - Congo DR; World Cup qualifier; 1
2013-09-06 Tunisia - Cape Verde Islands; World Cup qualifier; 1
2013-09-06 Zimbabwe - Mozambique; World Cup qualifier; 1
2013-09-10 Japan - Ghana; Friendly; 1
Based on these predictions the qualified teams for the play-offs are:
1 Cote d'Ivoire
2 Ghana
3 Algeria
4 Nigeria
5 Tunisia
6 Burkina Faso
7 Egypt
8 Cameroon
9 South Africa
10 Senegal
Egypt needs to play another friendly match to ensure its presence within the first 5 teams in ranking.
ReplyDeleteThere is FIFA date on 6 September
Most African teams linked to the last round of World Cup qualifiers and Europe also.
What do you advise us to solve this problem?
Well Hossam,
Deletean Sep 6 friendly WIN against Argentina (the highest positioned team that does not already play on that date), together with wins against Mali and Guinea, leaves Egypt at 639 pts in the September ranking.
You can see above that's not enough to reach 5th spot in the CAF-ranking, unless Tunisia and Burkina Faso perform worse than elo predicts for them.
So I'm afraid Egypt hasn't got its fate in its own hands anymore as far as the seeding is concerned.
Just qualify for the play-offs and I'm sure that none of the seeded teams will be very happy to draw Egypt as their opponent.
After 1990 it's time for Egypt to present itself once again at the world stage as one of Africa's strongest teams.
Egypt should hope that Congo contradicts the elo rankings by defeating Niger (who lost all its matches until now) and then takes Burkina Faso out of the board.
DeleteMalawi, Lybia and Uganda can also help... but in this case the chances are not so high :)
Daniel, you're right, Congo could take out Burkina Faso.
DeleteBut even then: numbers 1-4 (Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Algeria and Nigeria) are, even with bad results, unreachable and from the pair Tunisia-Cape Verde one qualifies. If Cape Verde qualifies, Egypt is unseeded.
Egypt's only hope lies in Tunisia qualifying with a draw against CPV. Tunisia will then have 585-601 pts in September, depending on the result of the Tunisia-Congo friendly.
Egypt will probably have to win both planned matches against Mali and Guinea anyway. That results in 620 pts in September.